Saturday, July 30, 2022

twitch streaming has been great...

 i got 1 guy to join me through 2 whole entire streams... thank you outofthisworld6969 for being such a gamer for staying with me with these streams... what a nice guy...

tommorow most likely going to do the bo2 campaign "i never played it"

Monday, July 11, 2022

the nutsack law


"the nutsack law, this means worse nutsacks exists overtime, bumps appear when extreme shit happens,
aka' looking at the photo, the gold rush gave extreme testosterone... sadly.. no boosts ever happen
during modern times, the covid-19 crisis probably will boost it up, here this picture shows what covid-19 SHOULD be like..."
as you can see this effect is the best!!!! اغشليسعبشنصلشاتالبغعهعاغلبيلغعتنالبؤيلاتنالبيلات

also a seagull shat on me today... sadly....

sooo,,, are you guys going to?? play dbd now>?

Sunday, July 10, 2022

bitch you


im on vacation rn so no streams srry لسبعهلاسيبل

 no streaming!!! bno streams no streoim ds1!!till the end off the monmth

i hope at the start of august i can stream these games:

deez jutadgخ宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hi就OK联盟内部v韩国报告会ds距昆明那边v工会OK举报v唱歌喝酒宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hi就OK联盟内部v韩国报告会距昆明那边v工会OK举报v唱歌喝酒ds宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hi就OdsK联盟内部v韩国报告会距昆明那边v工会OK举报v唱歌喝酒宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hi就OK联盟内部v韩国报告会距昆明那边v工会OK举报v唱歌喝酒宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hids就OK联盟内部v韩国报告会距昆明那边v工会OK举报v唱歌喝酒宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hi就OK联盟ds内部v韩国报告会距昆明那边v工会OK举报v唱歌喝酒宫颈癌覅苹果是哦对韩国i设计的佛光山的聚会男变女成功v与hi就OK联盟内部v韩国报告会距昆明那边v工会OK举报dsv唱歌喝酒

Saturday, July 2, 2022

iytdtyiugtskugiodt bioshock


dome is done... finally


the dome.
finally after like 14 hours of gameplay... and about 15 streams, we did it.. we finished doom..